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5、国家“863”项目子课题 ,SS2012AA022301,泌尿外科LESS和NOTES关键技术与临床应用研究 ,100万元,2012-01-01至2015-12-31 


1、Zhan Y, Chen Z, He S, Gong Y, He A, Li Y, Zhang L, Zhang X, Fang D, Li X, Zhou L#. Long non-coding RNA SOX2OT promotes the stemness phenotype of bladder cancer cells by modulating SOX2. Mol Cancer. 2020 Feb 4;19(1):25. (通讯作者,IF: 37.3)

2、Chen K, Zhang J, Guo Z, Ma Q, Xu Z, Zhou Y, Xu Z, Li Z, Liu Y, Ye X, Li X, Yuan B, Ke Y, He C, Zhou L#, Liu J, Ci W. Loss of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine is linked to gene body hypermethylation in kidney cancer. Cell Res. 2016 Jan;26(1):103-18. (通讯作者,IF: 44.1)

3、Su B, Zhao W, Shi B, Zhang Z, Yu X, Xie F, Guo Z, Zhang X, Liu J, Shen Q, Wang J, Li X, Zhang Z, Zhou L#. Let-7d suppresses growth, metastasis, and tumor macrophage infiltration in renal cell carcinoma by targeting COL3A1 and CCL7. Mol Cancer. 2014 Sep 6;13:206. (通讯作者,IF: 37.3)

4、Xu Z, Ge G, Guan B, Lei Z, Hao X, Zhou Y, Shi Y, Lu H, Wang J, Peng D, Wu X, He H, Zhang B, Li X, Zhou L#, Ci W. Noninvasive Detection and Localization of Genitourinary Cancers Using Urinary Sediment DNA Methylomes and Copy Number Profiles. Eur Urol. 2020 Feb;77(2):288-290. (通讯作者,IF: 23.4)

5、Yang K, Wang X, Xu C, Li Z, Han G, Fan S, Chen S, Li X, Zhu H, Zhou L#, Li X. Totally Intracorporeal Robot-assisted Unilateral or Bilateral Ileal Ureter Replacement for the Treatment of Ureteral Strictures: Technique and Outcomes from a Single Center. Eur Urol. 2023 Dec;84(6):561-570. (通讯作者,IF: 23.4)

6、Yang K, Fan S, Wang J, Yin L, Li Z, Xiong S, Han G, Meng C, Zhang P, Li X, Zhou L#. Robotic-assisted Lingual Mucosal Graft Ureteroplasty for the Repair of Complex Ureteral Strictures: Technique Description and the Medium-term Outcome. Eur Urol. 2022 May;81(5):533-540. (通讯作者,IF: 23.4)

7、Ge G, Han Y, Zhang J, Li X, Liu X, Gong Y, Lei Z, Wang J, Zhu W, Xu Y, Peng Y, Deng J, Zhang B, Li X, Zhou L#, He H, Ci W. Single-Cell RNA-seq Reveals a Developmental Hierarchy Super-Imposed Over Subclonal Evolution in the Cellular Ecosystem of Prostate Cancer. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2022 May;9(15):e2105530. (通讯作者,IF: 15.1)

8、Li Z, Xu H, Gong Y, Chen W, Zhan Y, Yu L, Sun Y, Li A, He S, Guan B, Wu Y, Xiong G, Fang D, He Y, Tang Q, Yao L, Hu Z, Mei H, He Z, Cai Z, Guo Y, Li X, Zhou L#, Huang W. Patient-Derived Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma Organoids as a Platform for Drug Screening. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2022 Feb;9(4):e2103999. (通讯作者,IF: 15.1)

9、Zhong W, Xia K, Liu L, Cheng S, Hong P, He W, Dong W, Liu H, Lai Y, Hao H, Liu C, Zhang H, Li X, Ding G, Li X, Ma L, Zhou L#, Lin T, Huang J. Long-term survival after female pelvic organ-sparing radical cystectomy versus standard radical cystectomy: a multi-institutional propensity score-matched analysis. Int J Surg. 2023 Sep 1;109(9):2742-2750. (通讯作者,IF: 15.3)

10、Chen Z, He S, Zhan Y, He A, Fang D, Gong Y, Li X, Zhou L#. TGF-β-induced transgelin promotes bladder cancer metastasis by regulating epithelial-mesenchymal transition and invadopodia formation. EBioMedicine. 2019 Sep;47:208-220. (通讯作者,IF: 11.1)

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    职称:教授 主任医师


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    所属专业: 外科学(泌尿外)

    邮箱 : zhoulqmail@sina.com

    工作电话 : 13601239241

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